Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Francais est tres difficile?

Right so. I took a placement test over the summer to see what level I would be placed in if I ever decided to take a language. Up until recently, I didn't plan on it. Yes, it would be great and cool to know a second language, but I don't really consider myself a gifted linguist. I knew that it would be really tough. And I was right.

Anyways. So when I was considering changing my major to a double Linguistics and Neuroscience, I found out that a language was required! So I signed up for French. However, since this is the second semester, only French II was available. I had tested into that level when I took my placement test, and my advisor said it should be fine. Well yesterday I had my first class. And let me tell you. It was not fine.

In fact, it was really, really difficult and mortifying. I haven't really spoken any French for a good three  years, and yesterday I had to get up in front of the class and talk about myself. En francais. Ah! It was so hard! So I talked to the professor after class and told her I might have to drop French II and start anew with French I next semester. She  made me promise to stick it out for a few weeks and she assured me that I appeared to be at the level of everyone else in the class.

Stil though. I feel like a complete dunce in there. The entire class is conducted in French, and sometimes I don't have any idea what my teacher is asking me to do. It's an uncomfortable feeling for me. I'm not used to not understanding. I'm doing extra work though, and I hope that I'll be able to keep up in class. I really don't want to have to drop it, because then I will have a big, huge, gaping hole in my perfectly crafted schedule. That being said. I have to stop writing this blog and go learn about proper verb conjugations. Au revoir!

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