Monday, November 28, 2011

The Beginning of the End.

This blog entry has been written during a time of great transition, a time of unprecedented events. It has been written as I near the end of my first semester in college. It seems like just a few weeks ago I was nervous about Orientation, my first lecture with 100+ students, my first college exam. Now, all of that has been completed and checked off of my list. I have sat through three months of lectures, taken eight exams, and am now starting the process of becoming an Orientation leader myself for next year's incoming freshmen class.

I have three weeks left - two weeks of classes and one week of finals -  and then I'm home free! Next semester I'm going to really experiment with my pre-med dream. I'm not taking any Journalism classes and I instead will be focusing on volunteering at the hospital down the street, becoming involved with the pre-health clubs on campus, and taking a variety of science courses.

While I was at home for Thanksgiving break I went to church and received a message that really pertained to my Journalism/Pre-med dilemma. The medium asked me if I was in the process of making a decision, between careers and majors and stuff like that. I assured her that yes, I was. And then...she asked me if I was considering studying the brain! She pretty much nailed it right on the head. She said that I would be successful at either thing, but she especially saw me making strides in things like research (!) if I went into the medical profession.

It's just so hard to choose something that I really want to do - I'm in love with learning, and I just want to be able to learn as much as possible. I would be a student for the rest of my life. Honestly! I could just keep earning degrees. But obviously, that's not practical. I'll just have to keep experimenting for now!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Thanksgiving Break.

As the SU student body reaches the middle of the week, a mere two days before Thanksgiving break begins, it appears that all motivation has completely stopped. For most of us, we take out our books and our notes in an effort to trick our minds into thinking that we're actually being productive. It's just very difficult to want to get work done when we've made it this far, and we're so close to the solace of Thanksgiving Break.

And we all know what will happen when we return from the blissful week at home. As soon as we get back to campus on the 28th, it'll have to be study, study, study because finals are looming in the not-so-distant future. And then we all truly will be home free and I'll be a SECOND SEMESTER COLLEGE STUDENT. I can't even believe it.

Today though, I actually do have to study. I have my final grammar test this afternoon, and if I do well enough on it I can stop taking the class and I won't have to take the real final in December. Pretty much I could not even show up for the test and get a zero and still have a good grade in the class. But you all should know by now that that doesn't fly with me. I definitely need an A. Not just a good grade. And an A and a good grade are two different things in my book.

I'm happy to report though that I have finished all of my homework that I would have have to do over break last weekend, so next week I really will be homework-free! I don't think I'm going to pick up a book the whole time I'm at home. Well maybe Calculus. But that's just because that class is hard and it worries me.

Also, next semester I will be taking class not as a Journalism major, but as a pre-med student. I think that it is incredibly exciting and I will be using next semester as a test to see if becoming a doctor is something that I can really see myself doing.

So all in all, I can't believe it's already Thanksgiving Break and my first college finals week is fast approaching. It's almost too great to believe.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I am sincerely sorry.

I'm sure that all of you have been eagerly logging on to this website daily, only to leave once again feeling dejected and disappointed because I hadn't posted anything.

Over the past week, which is how long it has been since I posted, I came up with a few topics that I could discuss via the blogosphere with my faithful followers - you guys! But every time I sat down to write, it came out sounding boring and mundane. I was feeling very troubled by this, so I have it some thought.

...Then I realized. The reason things sound so boring is because I have finally acclimated to college life! No longer do new things about life at SU seem scary or surprising. I have completely settled/adjusted. I just go about my day now, one of 15,000 students on campus. I wake up, do homework, eat, go to class. It's basically a nice little schedule that I have going for myself.

That being said. I'm pretty much ready for a new semester. I'm ready for some new classes. Which is something that I actually have done that is exciting - I have picked my classes for next semester! They are as follows:

Linguistics 202 - Languages of the World
French II
MAT 286 - Calc II
HNR 250 - Neuroscience/Human Senses
MAX 123 - Critical Issues Facing the US
COM 117 - Multimedia Storytelling...but hopefully I don't have to take that class and I can take Intro to Psychology instead.

It's a very full schedule. 19 credit hours. But I'm confident that I can handle this course load and still obtain the level of success that I'm used to. I am happy to say that to date, I have a 4.0! A's on all of my midterms. It couldn't really be going any better than it is now.

I met with the Health Professions Advising team yesterday. Boy, was it exciting! They were so efficient. They gave me, like, ten hand-outs about the various medical professions and helped me to set up my official "Pre-Med Track Account" right away. They were very impressed with my organizational skills and my ambition. That's right. They could even detect my ambition while I was sitting in a chair across from the discussing my life plans. I love it when that happens.

Other than that though, I am just pretty much ready to go home for Thanksgiving Break. I miss my friends (Richelle, here is your shout out!) and my house and my mom and my brother. It will be nice to be home for a whole week. Well. I'll be in Georgia for some of the time but of course that's great too!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm Going Home!

Tomorrow - 25 hours and 26 minutes to be exact - I will be on my way home! I am so very excited, I can hardly contain myself. All I have to do is get through this COM 107 exam today and a math quiz tomorrow, and then I'm home free! Literally!

Yes, I love college still. But I haven't been home in two whole months, since my birthday. That's a really long time to be away from your own bed and your own shower and your mom and brother and of course your really cute cat Pumpkin!

So basically, I'm counting down the hours. And one of the best parts is that I get to go home for Junior Miss! That is just doubly exciting, the icing on the cake! I can't believe it has been a year since my own Junior Miss program. It doesn't really seem like that long ago. I can't wait to see the show and to see my very good Junior Miss friend, Chelsea Tuggle!

But I'm getting ahead of myself, because I also have something exciting to do today. I get to meet with my Academic Advisor and finalize my schedule for next semester with here. I have a feeling she will think it's very funny that I already planned out all four years! Luckily she already sort of knows about my obsession with planning things though, so hopefully she won't be too taken aback.

Okay, well. That's all for now. I just wanted to share my excitement with everyone...I'm sure that it's so strong, you can feel it radiating from your computer screens. Now, off to Linguistics!