Wednesday, November 2, 2011

I'm Going Home!

Tomorrow - 25 hours and 26 minutes to be exact - I will be on my way home! I am so very excited, I can hardly contain myself. All I have to do is get through this COM 107 exam today and a math quiz tomorrow, and then I'm home free! Literally!

Yes, I love college still. But I haven't been home in two whole months, since my birthday. That's a really long time to be away from your own bed and your own shower and your mom and brother and of course your really cute cat Pumpkin!

So basically, I'm counting down the hours. And one of the best parts is that I get to go home for Junior Miss! That is just doubly exciting, the icing on the cake! I can't believe it has been a year since my own Junior Miss program. It doesn't really seem like that long ago. I can't wait to see the show and to see my very good Junior Miss friend, Chelsea Tuggle!

But I'm getting ahead of myself, because I also have something exciting to do today. I get to meet with my Academic Advisor and finalize my schedule for next semester with here. I have a feeling she will think it's very funny that I already planned out all four years! Luckily she already sort of knows about my obsession with planning things though, so hopefully she won't be too taken aback.

Okay, well. That's all for now. I just wanted to share my excitement with everyone...I'm sure that it's so strong, you can feel it radiating from your computer screens. Now, off to Linguistics!

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