Saturday, August 27, 2011

Frat Houses: Just Like the Movies!

Fraternity - (Noun) : a group of people sharing a common profession or interests.

...and in the case here, those common interests include a desire to live in a big house off campus, an unnatural liking for the consumption of alcoholic beverages, and the fight to host the largest, most obnoxious campus parties.

And as I witnessed last night, these frat parties are exactly like what you see in the movies.

Now, before all of you become alarmed (mom, grandma, ect.) I obviously didn't attend one of these parties. I had Linguistics homework to take care of last night. But on my walk home from the Quad after the freshmen ice cream social, I could see that these parties were rapidly growing in size, attendance, and general rambunctiousness.

People were legitimately swinging from the balconies. There appeared to be a variety of homemade slip and slides and lots of shirtless people. Red cups littered the lawn. And an appalling number of girls were flocking to Frat Row (a term I have affectionately coined for Comstock Avenue).

As I observed people coming in and out of my residence hall, I noticed that there appeared to be a certain ratio upheld by the attendees of these gatherings. For every one male, at least three females were in the group. I later learned that although women get in to frat parties for free, males have to have female companions or, god forbid! They don't get their beer.

All of this makes up for a very confusing dynamic that I am glad I'm not apart of.

Luckily, after the completion of my Linguistics homework, I discovered a group of like minded people who were more than happy to play Bananagrams with me. :)