Sunday, August 28, 2011

Solitary Dining.

So they say that college is nothing like high school. And for the most part, that is totally legit. But there is one thing that appears to plague both college and high school kids alike, and that is the terrifying fact of knowing where to sit in the lunch room.

While the social hierarchies are not as defined here as they were in my previous academic experiences, there is certainly a social order that definitely isn't talked about, but expected. Cool kids sit by the windows. Big groups sit at the long tables down the middle. Solitary diners seem to unwisely choose the tables wayyyy in the back.

Here are some rules to hopefully avoid the awkwardness of residence hall dining.

Rule #1 - NEVER go to down to the dining hall alone! You're just asking for it then. Later in the semester, it'll be okay to fly solo for your blueberry pancakes and grilled cheeses, but right now!? When every freshmen is trying to make new friends and are all feeling a little bit lonely ourselves? Definitely take someone. Take your roommate, take the girl down the hall, take whoever. But do not take your imaginary friend.

Rule #2 - If you completely disregard Rule #1 and do happen to go down to the dining hall alone, don't wander around aimlessly after you get your food. Unfortunately, the dining halls here are designed for maximum embarrassment. There is absolutely no way to fly under the radar to get to a seat. After you get your food, you're on full view to everyone! If you wander around aimlessly, you may think you're being discreet. But you're actually just drawing attention to yourself.

Rule #3 - Seriously, don't sit at a table by yourself! It truly breaks my heart. We're all interested in meeting new people, so come up and introduce yourself. Me and Jess (my roommate) don't bite. We WANT you to come sit with us!

Which brings me to this; Jess and I have now taken in eight meals at the SU dining halls, and subsequently, have made eight new friends! We usually go sit with people who are eating alone, or make complete fools of ourselves by flagging them down and pulling up chairs. Honestly, it's just a great way to meet people. I don't want you to sit alone, you don't want to sit alone (or maybe you do. In which case, sorry in advance) so lets all sit together!

But if for some reason you don't want to dine with an awesome Scottish girl and myself. Seriously. Remember the rules.

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