Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My First Day!

      So here I am! At Syracuse University, all moved in and geared up for Orientation tomorrow.

      It's bizarre, this feeling of complete and total independence. Like tonight, I met a huge group of other curious, adventure seeking freshmen, and we set out on an adventure towards Marshall Street! This adventure was irregular from my previous endeavors in high school mainly because....I didn't have to tell anyone where I was going! My mom didn't even know I was there until AFTER I had returned to my dorm and called her on the phone (because old habits never die!)

     Another weird thing, is that apparently, college kids don't sleep. I mean I just glanced at the clock - 12:34! I'm never up this late! Yet my new college friends were just go, go, go! I like it. It's a change. And what's more, is that there are still people marching up and down the hallway! They clearly aren't going to sleep anytime soon. But this being college, and with the aforementioned independence, nobody cares! These night roamers probably don't even have to go to sleep if they don't like.

     I guess that these things are just part of the new experiences that everyone is always talking about with college. I'm loving every minute of it. I can't wait for class to start on Monday, and I'm ready to go! My books are alphabetized by subject, my calendar is color coded, and my planner is sufficiently sticky can take the girl out of high school, but you can't take high school out of the girl!


  1. Ok, I can already tell that these posts are going to become an addiction for me. My end of the day ritual now includes a piece of dark chocolate, a nice glass of red wine...and a lively jaunt down memory lane via the Kakin Chronicles! So please, for my sanity, keep them coming!!!! : )

    Love you, Kakin!

  2. Katelyn! I am so excited for you!! Love this! Love YOU!
