Tuesday, August 30, 2011

"T.A." should stand for "terribly anxious"

So today I had my Calc I course, and predictably, it is not taught by the professor. The plus size to this is that the class isn't in a large lecture hall, but a normal classroom consisting of about thirty kids.

Anyways, I took my place in the front desk and right at the time class is scheduled to start, in rushes a boy who looks like he's only pushing 21.

Let me tell you the multitude of ways this boy differed from a professor.
1. No facial hair.
2. No "nerdy-chic" glasses on his person.
3. He was wearing cargo shorts (I mean really? Cargo shorts? If you're going to stand up in front of people and teach them about derivatives, at least look the part.)
4. He constantly. Constantly! Had to refer back to the syllabus while he was explaining the course. I think I had it memorized in the first ten minutes. Professors make it very clear that everyone should know and understand the syllabus. I think this should apply to not only the students, but the TA's as well.
5. He was so anxious and nervous he worked up an awful sweat in the wonderfully air conditioned classroom.
6. He dropped his piece of chalk no less than seven times in the hour class period.

The worst part is, apart from these six small things that probably nobody else but me noticed, the TA actually did a good job!

Clearly gifted in the art of mathematics, he really didn't have anything to worry about. He was just teaching a bunch of undergraduates (by the way, as a side note. I was the ONLY freshman in that class.)

All in all, I thought I would be bothered by the TA's teaching me a lesson, but I actually find that I don't mind. They are less intimidating then the professors, and all of them have responded to the ten + emails I have sent regarding class questions over the past two days.

So seriously. TA's, relax! And if I'm telling you to relax. Something is definitely wrong.

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