Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Credit for Going to Australia??

Someone from a non-profit organization came to speak with my Political Theory class today. I'm not sure why he came to the Political Theory class, because the organization has nothing to do with it. But either we, the meeting was about becoming an International Student Volunteer.

What is an International Student Volunteer you ask? It's someone that takes four weeks out of their summer vacation and goes to a different country. While there, said student spends two weeks volunteering (teaching kids English, building things, elephant protection services, and baby turtle rehabilitation) and then spends the next weeks exploring the country (glacier climbing, SCUBA diving, wildlife safaris.)

And you get credit for it! I don't know, but I think that this sounds like a most excellent opportunity. I'm going to the meeting on Thursday...and I'm thinking Australia or New Zealand for my trip.

I always planned on studying abroad while I was in college, in either my second semester of my sophomore year or my first semester of my junior year. But unfortunately, I'm thinking if I switch to pre-med (which is honestly, likely. But that's a topic for another blog.) I don't know how I'll fit in study abroad because I'll have to be playing catch up for the year I was a declared Journalism major.

So, International Student Volunteers sounds perfect to me! And with my newfound Habitat for Humanity housebuilding skills, I should be all set. And the Great Barrier Reef and SCUBA diving?? Who wouldn't sign up for that???

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