Monday, October 24, 2011


I honestly don't know where the time goes. I could of sworn that I posted more in the past five days. But here you have it...only one post from last week. I'm very sorry about that.

But I did have a good reason for not posting as promptly as I should have. My family was here this weekend! It was Family Weekend 2011 at SU this past Saturday and Sunday. As the weekend went on, I noticed some interesting things.

One. The dining hall serves way better food when the parents are in town! It also opens at an earlier, reasonable hour. Parents - did you know the dining hall normally doesn't open until eleven on weekends for breakfast?? Probably not, since it opened at eight while  you were here. But normally, all the kids in the dorm are sleeping in.

Which brings me to my next observation.

Two. There was significantly less, almost non-existent, partying this weekend. I mean, on my floor alone, usually 90% of the people go out on both Saturday AND Friday night. But the promise of parental units arriving early the next day was enough to keep everyone in doors and sober.

It was actually kind of weird to see so many parents here! I've gotten used to being on my own and just being surrounded by people my own age (since you know. Professors aren't really people. Just kidding!)

But I'm happy that my mom, my brother, and Sara and Brecht were able to come and witness first hand how much I love SU. I enjoyed showing them around the campus and taking them to Armory Square. When they left, I had a very empty feeling inside. While incredibly depressing, it passed eventually. I just miss everyone so much. But I know that I'll see you soon, and everything will be fine.

Whenever I think about missing someone, I just try and remember how much I love SU. And what would I really be missing if I was at home? Probably nothing except watching movies with mom and Matthew. Oh. And Pumpkin. I am missing Pumpkin. That's probably one of the saddest things!

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