Monday, October 3, 2011

You Should All Be Proud of Me!

So this morning, after I had gone to Spin Class and had my customary three hour lapse before my first class, I was even more focused and ready to do homework than usual. Seriously, I got so much done I surprised even myself.

And I think the secret to this super duper laser-like focus was that...get ready...brace yourself...

I took the weekend off!

Instead of doing my usual homework packed Fridays and Saturdays, I mostly just had fun this weekend. And let me tell you. It was actually a nice change of pace.

Friday night all of the girls on my floor went out to real dinner (i.e. non-dorm food.) We went out to Pastabilities and then walked around downtown. Took a trip to Urban Outfitters. Then we went back to the dorm and watched an absurd amount of chick flick movies.

Saturday morning, I built a house. That was a lot of work, so by the time I got back to the dorm at four, I was in no mood to sit down and tackle a bunch of homework problems. So instead I watched Gossip Girl, 90210, and Glee. That's about three hours of time I usually would of spent doing homework! Then I had a Bananagrams tournament with people on my floor.

Sunday was probably the day I did the most work, but even then it was limited. I went to the store, got some bubble tea. For once, homework was not my top priority.

But all that being said...I don't want you to think that I'm slacking off or anything. I'm still the Katelyn you all know and love! Part of the reason I could take the weekend off was because I've worked so hard. Lots of wise people have told me that it's important to give yourself a break, and that is definitely the truth. It's nice to be able to see that all of your hard work paid off and its actually okay to not be doing anything for a consecutive 48 hours.

I think this morning I was suffering from withdrawal. There is something very comforting in the sight of a cracked open Linguistics textbook and pages of carefully laid out notes. And withdrawal, it makes you work harder! I'm sure that there is some psychological term for this, but I'll have to tell you all next semester after I take the class. :)

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