Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm Published!

Everyone. Put down whatever it is you're doing right now and give your full attention to this blog. I have some very exciting news and I don't want you to miss it by just skimming over this blog entry.

On November 14th, I'm going to be a published journalist! Legitimately! I know that you all enjoy reading these blogs, but now you will have the opportunity to read something else that I've written.

On said date, go to the LiveU website through syr.com. If you type LiveU SU into Google, it should come up. Then under Work It Out, there will be an article written by yours truly called "Tanning Bed Truths."

I'm very excited about this. At least fifty submissions are put in for every article, and mine got chosen! This is a big moment in anyone's career. Yay!

On another note, yesterday I received ten separate letters in the mail! It was really great, because as you all know, I love getting mail. The letters were from the girls in the Junior Miss program. They were all asking me advice and telling me how excited they were to see my when I come home for the show. It made me feel good. Like a role model.

So basically. The past twenty four hours have been pretty awesome for me. I'm glad that I get to share these excitements with you, my faithful blogosphere followers!

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