Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Junior Miss!

I can't believe that at this time last year, I was one month away from my own Junior Miss Program. I'm extremely jealous of the current contestants who will get to experience all of that excitement in the coming weeks.

Thankfully though, all is not lost as I still do get to take part in some small piece of Junior Miss.

I remember last year looking at Brynne (the winner before me) and thinking "Wow. That is so cool! She gets to come back from college and see all of the new contestants and have fun with the chaperones and give a speech. I want to do that!" And now, here I am! Getting ready to come back from college and see all of the new contestants and have fun with the chaperones and give a speech.

I'm sure none of you are surprised that I have had my speech done with for an absurd amount of time. I would say probably since the beginning of August. But what's great about getting it done so early is that when I went back and reread it, I had a fresh outlook and could then make adjustments accordingly. I can't wait to give my speech. I think I'm becoming addicted to public speaking. It's just the greatest feeling.

I also am in the process of choreographing/learning another dance to perform the night of the show. While learning dances is nothing new to me, it is extremely difficult to choreograph in the small box that is my dorm room. While for all other intents and purposes it's a good size, for making up a dance. It's a problem. I've run into my desk a number of times. But it's all worth it because I'd do anything for Junior Miss!

I just want to note that I'm typing this particular blog entry from the comfort of the Honors Lounge. And you know what happened here today? They gave us free lunch! And not dining hall lunch, but real, yummy spinach wraps! With fruit salad and drinks and what not. Hanna Richardson, the advisor, just poked her head in and said, "There's sandwiches and wraps for you kids on the counter. Help yourself!"

It is instances like these that remind me every day of how happy I am to being attending Syracuse University. It's truly the best. I don't know much about the student life at other colleges, but I can practically guarantee it's not as fabulous as it  is here. I've definitely caught the orange fever. I don't think I'll ever want to leave.

1 comment:

  1. That's funny, you being all dressed up in orange, I studied in the Netherlands and their national color for football and festivities is orange too.

    seems like all those folks are unknowingly representing SU LOL :-)

    (the true reason they wear orange is because of this guy whom kicked the Spanish out of the Netherlands in 1580, and the Spanish were still having fun in Belgium, which was only Flanders back then)

    Orange is a power color. It is one of the healing colors. It is said to increase the craving for food. It also stimulates enthusiasm and creativity. Orange means vitality with endurance. People who like orange are usually thoughtful and sincere. Lady luck's color is orange. I have been told that if a change of any kind is need in life, just burn an orange candle for 7 nights.

    But surely do not forget what the bible says about orange;
    Orange: Praise, Warfare, Passion, power, fire, harvest season, fruitfulness, joy

    But most of all I like it!

    Uncle B.
