Sunday, October 2, 2011

What? 2nd Semester Already?

So today is...October 2nd. I've been in college for a little bit over a month (!), I've taken three exams, written long papers. And now, even though we haven't even had midterms yet, I have to start thinking about next semesters classes!

This is actually an exciting prospect, because who doesn't like to plan for their next set of intellectually stimulating classes, but it's also crazy. I mean, already!? It's only October 2nd!

I guess since it's such a big school SU does have to get the ball rolling fairly quickly, but when my advisor told me I had to start thinking about my enrollment for next semester, I think I had a small heart palpitation.

For one thing, I don't really know where to begin. So today one of my tasks is to get out the 500+ page manual they gave to every freshman so I can start reading about all the classes I can take.

I'm definitely signing up for neuroscience. I need to see if I love it as much as I think I will. Who knows. This class could make the difference in my careers! For the rest of my life!

On a less dramatic note, it's pretty cool because Honors kids get to pick their classes first. Highest GPA's = first in line! Oh, the perks. They truly seem to be endless.

Another added stress about picking classes is that I want to go abroad, so I kind of have to map my schedule around that, even though it's over a year away. I want to get all of the not-so-fun math classes out of the way so I can enjoy my time in Europe rather than stressing over Calc II.

Also. Foreign language? Anyone have an opinion on that (that statement was meant to be a guys have an opinion about everything!)  I'm thinking French. Even though I haven't taken it since (yikes) sophomore year, it might all come back to me. And everyone wants an employee who can speak a 2nd language. It's a competitive world out there! I need to be equipped!

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