Friday, September 30, 2011

College is so cool.

This post mostly concerns the number of really cool, great things that I get to do this weekend, all for simply attending SU.

For one, last night. You are all going to think this is so funny. I went on a library tour! And learned all about the many great things that the library has to offer. Unbeknownst to me, there is a top secret sixth floor study room that you need a key to get into it! I can't wait to check that out. It is true that while most people were embracing the meaning of "Thirsty Thursdays," I was immersing myself in the wonderful structure of the Bird Library.

This afternoon, I'm meeting with the EDITOR of Marie-Claire magazine. I can hardly believe it myself. Me and a few other students are a part of Ed2010, the magazine networking group on campus, are having brunch with her. Actual brunch with an actual editor.

And tomorrow I will be waking up bright and early to go build my very first house! Well actually tomorrow I think I'm building shacks for the Shack-a-Thon here on campus (where everyone sleeps in shacks on the Quad...yeah. I don 't get it either) but then I will be building houses. Real houses for people in need. I am just so excited.

And on Sunday I am going to go have my bubble tea (because I found this cute little restaurant that sells it) and go on a walk for Breast Cancer. I've never volunteered so much in my life - but I think it's actually fun to do community service.

I read a very interesting article the other day about "Top Ten Jobs of the Future." As you all know, since being at college I have begun to question my very carefully laid out plan that I had designed for myself. Not surprisingly, there was nothing about print journalism in the top ten jobs of the future. Gee, I wonder why. But then, I read further done and a Brain Analyst IS one of the top ten! Someone who can interpret language patterns in the brain! And they make $200,000!

I don't know. Med school, public communications. Med school, public communications. So many opportunities! So little time. Would it be crazy to triple major?

Ha - don't answer that. Even I realize that I triple major would be pushing the envelope.


  1. Wow! Editors, brunches, house building! I love it! And i'm so jealous you have bubble tea! I LOVE bubble tea!

  2. And now I am running off to Google "Bubble Tea"! Katelyn, I thoroughly enjoy your posts. Have a great weekend. Thank you thank you!

  3. Katelyn! You are the best! I adore you.
