Monday, September 5, 2011

The best time for doing homework is...

...Friday night!

Seriously, I have always been a firm believer in that policy. You come home from class, hang out for awhile, and then hit the books. Because here is the thing. People don't go out until like, ten o'clock. So, you bond with your friends and then when they leave to do illegal things, you just buckle down and do your homework. Usually I leave some for Saturday morning too (when everyone else is to hungover to get out of bed...)

I do my homework on Friday nights because, quite frankly, I like to NOT have to do my homework on Sunday afternoon/evening when everyone else is scrambling to get it done. So today, while my floor mates have hours and hours of work ahead of them, I will get to enjoy this rainy Monday Labor Day by doing whatever I please. No stress, no rush, no homework!

It's really about prioritizing. I know that I enjoy having the last day of my weekend completely free. I can watch a movie or read a book without having a homework assignment hanging over my head. So it's a common misconception that Friday is for all play and no work. Definitely. Friday's the time to do it.

1 comment:

  1. I have been guilty way too many times of going back to lily dale or going to the city for the weekend, and rushing back to Stony Brook Sunday night to get my projects done.
