Monday, September 12, 2011

Katelyn's Top 10.

So as I was walking across campus today and mentally taking note of all the things that I love about SU (because apparently, I have nothing better to think about), and I thought I would share with you my list of things that make up the reasons of why I'm so happy here.

Uncharacteristically, the list is in no particular order.

1. Walking by VPA : for those of you who don't know, VPA stands for Visual and Performing Arts, and it's a building here on campus. All of the crazily talented artists attend there. First of all, the building looks like Hogwarts. Hello! What could be better than that?? Secondly, you can walk by and hear opera singing, piano playing, and a million other beautiful sounds coming from the window. I myself, who possesses no musical ability whatsoever, think that the sound issuing from the Hogwarts building is truly magical.

...get it. Magical...Hogwarts. Haha. Harry Potter joke.

2. The All Powerful ID Card : So everyone here has an ID, and this ID grants access to all of the wondrous things that college has to offer. Want a smoothie? Swipe the ID! Need to get into the building? Swipe the ID! Want access to the super high tech work out center? Swipe the ID! Never in my 18 years has it been so easy to achieve these simple pleasures in life.

3. Getting mail : I know this is pretty general, but I'm putting it on my blog in the hopes that  you all will take note of it and send me mail in the near future. Seriously, it makes my day. Right now I hold the record on my floor for "most received mail", so lets keep that going, everyone!

4. Insomnia Cookies : They deliver at all hours of the night. Straight to the dorm. The cookies are still warm from the oven. Enough said.

5. The Ivy Covered Buildings : It's just so collegiate! To walk across the lawn and see all of the old brick buildings with the ivy growing up the side. It basically just screams college campus from a movie set. But guess what! It's real life! Real ivy!

6. Floor Meetings : I actually look forward to them. Every Sunday night, our floor gathers in the lounge to discuss whatever there is that needs to be discussed. Last night Jacob rode around on a scooter the whole time. It's a fun atmosphere and it's a nice break from the cramming sessions that everyone does on Sunday.

7. My Roommate : We just have a grand old time! It's the best! We synchronize our alarms so that neither of us will ever have to eat breakfast alone. We share everything. I get to teach her about cool American things like Twizzlers. Yesterday she asked me if deep friend Twinkies were yummy. I assured her that although I had never tried one, they are an American delicacy.

8. Taking Notes on the Laptop : Is so much easier than hand writing everything! For all of you who knew about my note taking style in high school, I am a slow, slow, slow writer. I just can't stand it if the ink is smudged or if the cross on the "t" is crooked. That's why a laptop is so great! I can just tip tap type away and save it all on word. It makes my life so much easier.

9. Having 100 advisors for any possible thing that can go wrong : Seriously, I don't think I have ever been without assistance in anything here. Any question that I have is easily answered either through email, the telephone, or face to face. I have been rest assured that I will never roam off of the track here at SU, because I have lots and lots of advisors keeping me on the straight and narrow. Not that I need help with that, because I set some pretty rigid rules for myself. But it's nice to know help is there. Just in case.

10. Everything else I haven't mentioned. I mean come on. It's SU! What's not to love???

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