Sunday, September 4, 2011

I heart linguistics!

All my life, I have taken the exact same classes. One period a day of history, both global and American, mathematics, an english class, and some sort of science. Add in mandatory PE classes and lunch, and you have practically have your whole day filled.

I would say one of the things that excited me most about college was when I got to pick my classes way back in June. There were just so many choices, I was kind of overwhelmed (but in a good way). How does one decide between "The Political Turmoil Leading Up to the French Revolution" and "King Henry VIII: A Dynasty"??? Suddenly all of these classes are right at your fingertips, classes that I have never before had the opportunity to take (hello, astronomy!)

It's only the second week of school, and I have already found a love for my LIN 201 class, the Nature and Study of Language. Honestly, I can't get over how fascinating it is! It is by far my favorite class and I love it so much, that I read the textbook for fun. I've done all the assignments up through October already because I just do linguistics when I have nothing better to occupy my time.

Part of one of our linguistics assignment was to go a half an hour without speaking, reading, writing, and, to the best of our ability, talking. The experiment was to prove how language is essential to human life. So innovative! So new! So great! Nobody would ever take that kind of assignment seriously in high school.

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