Saturday, September 24, 2011

Come to SU!

So I look outside my window today, and I see a huge group of parents and teenagers being led/herded by an Orientation Leader, and I think to myself, "Self, that can only mean one thing..."

Today is a SU Open House!

Open Houses are really weird to experience when you're on the other side of things. I can't believe that just last year, I was in all of these kid's position - going on multiple college tours and trying to find the right one for me.

I like to look at their faces. I am absolutely sure that that is how my face looked when I went on the tour here: awe-struck. I was definitely intimidated the first time I came to SU. I didn't even think that I wanted to go here. (obviously that changed after my second visit.)

But they just throw so much information at you! And you look around at all of the college kids and you're like, "How could I ever fit in here? With all of these older kids??"

Every college tour  you go on though, gets a little bit better. You start to learn what questions to ask. You know that the college kids walking around campus won't eat you. You realize that yes, you can actually survive in a college environment.

I didn't even go on multiple college tours. I went to one here in October, one at Hofstra in February, and then I returned to SU in April. It was that April visit that I just knew.

It sounds cliche, but you really do know it when it hits you. All of a sudden, you have this epiphany. You can see yourself walking around. Going to classes. Sitting out on the Quad. It all comes together in that one magical moment and then you sign the paper and pay the alarmingly expensive deposit and your new life is just months away from beginning.

They should tell you that kind of thing on these college tours. Then maybe these poor kids wouldn't look so nervous!

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