Sunday, September 25, 2011

A Thing About College.

What they say is true: College changes your life. But it doesn't immediately change your life by way of more friends, more parties, and more freedoms, but rather, it changes the way you think about things.

Now, I'm never one to think small, so of course when I'm thinking about "things," I'm really considering my future.

I thought I knew for sure what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a journalist, and eventually an editor. Three weeks in though, I was like, "Wow. Doing PR work would be a really fun job too." And now I'm thinking, I love my linguistics class and one of the "Top Ten Jobs of the Future" is a neurolinguist. I could do neurology. I could analyze brains all day long. I could do that, I could go to med school.

Obviously, being a doctor and being an editor in public communications are two things that are totally different, as different as night and day. One is creative, fun, the other all science and hard fact. What's a girl to do? I love researching things, but I'm not big on science or math. But then I think to myself, maybe it's because I haven't been exposed to the kinds of sciences that I'm actually interested in.

I just don't know what to do. The good news is is that I've only been in college for one month and I have ages to actually decide what I want to do with my life. Who knows. I may even find a love for...I don't know. Veterinary Science or Astrophysics before I graduate. Both are pretty unlikely, but the possibilities are endless.

The moral to this blog post is, keep your mind open. You'll never find something  you love if you just stick to the planned course all the time. I can't believe I actually just typed that, but there you go - I told you at the top. College changes your life, and I can definitely see it having an effect on me.


  1. Cool! And then when you graduate, you'll think, wow, I just spent four years studying my bum off and I have no idea what I want to do! And then you start looking for grad schools. lol.

  2. Brecht says: So happy and excited for you! Joy makes you realize everything is possible, so I can assume you're having a great time.

  3. Yay Katelyn!! This post made me so happy for you! No matter how many people tell you before college that you need to keep an open mind about things and that you could end up doing something you never thought you would, it just doesn't make sense until you realize it on your own!! So YAY! if Brooke would realize that, then I will be uber happy!
