Saturday, September 3, 2011 should still go to class.

So in high school, every class started the same way. With a roll call. It seemed that before teachers could even think about starting the day's lesson, they had to get their attendance under way. It is a system that all of us got used to: teacher calls your name, you respond with "here" in varying degrees of enthusiasm.

But in college, it's a whole new world. For one, a teacher is not going to take attendance when they are facing a lecture hall of about two hundred kids. And a second reason, they figure you're paying fifty five thousand dollars a year to attend SU...what do they care if you go to class or not?

So since there is no attendance in college, one of the kids on my floor today asked me, in all seriousness, "so do you think I still need to go to class?" This idea of not attending (which they call truancy in high school. Which is against the law.) seemed preposterous to me. I stared at him for a brief second of disbelief and then said. Of course you should go to class! You could be missing a very important lesson! What if there is a pop quiz?? Then you'll certainly be sorry!

Just because there is no roll call, doesn't mean you should skip out!

I was curious about other blogs out there, so I looked up one that was similar to mine. You know, a freshman girl documenting her life through college (don't worry. Mine's better!) And I couldn't believe that on the third day of college! She just didn't go! Felt like "having a lie down" and "sleeping in". I felt the need to tell her, honey. No way will you succeed in life like that.


  1. Yeah Katelyn!! You should always do the right thing!

  2. lol, good job katelyn! But trust me, the day will come when you are glad there is no attendance called and you can afford to miss a day or 2.

    PS, I check your blog everyday, its a good read!
